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Learn To Ring

Beginners Course

We are always looking for new people to join our bell ringing team. Whether you have tried it before and would like to give it another go or you would like to try it for the first time our friendly team of ringers would like to here from you. Most of our teaching is done at the Cathedral, however we also ring at All Saints and St Nicholas, both of these churches have a ring of 8 bells.

How long does it take to learn?

It can take anywhere from six weeks to six months to learn to handle a bell. The more time you

can put in when you first start the quicker it will be. You will need to commit to at least 1 to 2 hours

a week until you become competent at ringing a bell on your own.

Do I have to be strong and fit to pull those big bells?

You don't need to be particularly strong to ring as most of it is down to technique. We will teach

you how to ring using the least amount of effort.  However we need you to be big enough to reach

and hold on to the sally, with this in mind we recommend an age of 10+ years however this will

depend on the individual. The most energetic part of learning to ring is the climb up the tower to

the ringing room, it's about 180 steps at the cathedral.

Who will teach me?

We have three ringing instructors, Nicky, Kris and Jason who will take you through each step

as you learn to ring. 

What's all my ding donging going to sound like outside?

You don't need to worry about this, we have installed a bell simulator on our front six bells, this means we are able to tie the clapper inside the bell so it wont make any noise outside and a computer will make a noise inside so you can still hear your bell while learning to ring.

When can I ring on a Sunday?

Once you have learnt to handle a bell you can join in with our other ringers at a practice night, as soon as you are confident fitting your bell in with the others you will be invited to ring on a Sunday.

If you would like to have a go or find out more information please email Nicky

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